Selasa, 30 Juni 2015

Eating Junk Food

You can enjoy some junk food, like my Red Velvet Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting, without compromising your body composition, health, or longevity.
Your favorite foods are poisoning you.
Even foods that you thought were safe are actually destroying your health,making you fat, and shortening your life.
That’s what you’ve been taught to believe.
If there’s one mistaken idea that’s become more embedded in the fitness and health industry than any other, it’s that certain foods are bad for you.
This myth is so entrenched that it’s promoted by everyone from gym rats to doctors to public health authorities.
Most diet books are based on the idea that “bad” foods will keep you fromlosing weight or slow your progress.
There’s no doubt that what you eat can have a massive impact on your health, performance, and body composition. However, there’s no evidence you can’t achieve all of these things while still enjoying any food you like.
The Two Kinds of Clean Eating
  1. There are good and bad foods, and you should never eat any of the bad foods.
  2. There are good and bad foods, and you should only eat a small number of the bad foods to limit the damage.
In this article, you’ll learn why both of these ideas are irrational, unscientific, and unhealthy.
We’ll start by looking at the three potential ways a food could decrease your health, lifespan, or body composition. Then we’ll see if any foods actually meet these criteria for being “unhealthy.”
Why There are No Good or Bad Foods
There are three ways a food could negatively affect your health, longevity, or body composition.
1/. Contributing to a caloric excess which leads to negative health problems from being overweight.(2)
2/. Causing nutrient deficiencies by diluting the nutrient density of your diet.(3)
3/. Directly interfering with your body’s functions, causing specific diseases, increasing fat gain, or accelerating aging.
Let’s see if any foods meet these criteria.
Excess Calories Can be Bad for You — From Any Food
There is no evidence that any food will cause more fat gain than the excess calories it provides. There is also no evidence that eating a certain food will help you lose fat.
Fat loss is ultimately about calories in versus calories out.
Any food that has calories can technically be bad for you — if consumed in excess.
This includes chicken breasts, sweet potatoes, whole grains, and even vegetables. The reason many people consider these “clean foods” is because they tend to be harder to overeat than things like cookies or ice cream.
For this reason, some people refer to things like sweets, baked goods, soda, and other junk food as “fattening.”
This is an inaccurate and myopic viewpoint. It assumes that you will over-eat these foods — regardless of the rest of your diet.
If your diet has enough satiating power to keep you satisfied and happy, then there’s nothing wrong with also consuming some less-filling indulgences. This idea also assumes that people can’t moderate their food intake,which they can.
For some people, eating enough to gain or maintain their weight can be a struggle.(4-6) In these cases, higher calorie/more palatable foods can be extremely useful for meeting their calorie needs — not to mention being more enjoyable. Yet you don’t find people saying ice cream and cookies are life-saving for an anorexic, or muscle building for someone who’s trying to get bigger.
People look at these foods in isolation and assume they’re unhealthy regardless of the context.
Remember these two points:
  1. The potential to over-consume a food does not mean that you will.
  2. Some people need to eat more — and higher calorie, more palatable, and less filling foods can be an advantage — even a necessity.
However, you’re also concerned with your long-term health. You want to make sure you’re giving your body everything it needs to perform optimally, and you don’t want to deprive your body of essential nutrients.
No Food Causes Nutrient Deficiencies
The second way a food could potentially be “unhealthy” is by displacing more nutrient dense foods — by providing “empty calories.”
You’ve probably seen articles about how most people are deficient in certain nutrients, and how you simply can’t afford to eat any “empty calories.” You’ve heard that all of your food has to come from nutrient-dense sources, and even then you should take some supplements.
Unfortunately, there isn’t a formal definition of what “nutritious” means.(7) Researchers and diet authors have tried repeatedly to come up with a system that ranks foods based on points or some other means — unsuccessfully. The problem is that each system uses arbitrary and unscientific means to grade different foods.(8)
The USDA is still heavily biased against anything high in saturated fat and favors everything high in whole grains.(8-11) Other ranking systems like theANDI score place a greater emphasis on antioxidant levels, despite the fact that there’s still little evidence a food’s antioxidant or flavanol levels are a good representation of its overall healthiness.(12,13)
Classifying foods as healthy or unhealthy based on a score is a pointless and unscientific endeavor. In this case, common sense should prevail.
It’s true that some foods are far more nutrient dense than others. Cake icing doesn’t have the same nutrient content as an apple. As long as the majority of your calories come from whole nutrient dense foods, there’s no evidence you can’t meet your micronutrient needs while still consuming some “empty calories.”(14-17)
Research has shown that most people would have to eat roughly 20% of their total calories from refined sugar before it became impossible to meet their micronutrient needs.(3,18,19)
People who eat tons of sugar are generally malnourished.(20,21) However, most people who are serious about their health aren’t eating anywhere close to 20% of their daily calories from sugar.
The CDC also estimates that around 90% of Americans are consuming adequate micronutrients.(22)
There is some data that indicates nutrient deficiencies may be more common among people who are dieting.(23) This makes sense, since they’re consuming fewer total calories. However, it’s rare for someone to need to completely eliminate any junk food even when they’re restricting their calorie intake.
Some studies have also shown that vitamin D and magnesium deficiency may be more common than once believed.(24-30) However, this data is based on people eating an average American diet. It’s likely less relevant to health nuts, like you, who are probably already eating lots of nutrient dense foods and getting adequate sun exposure.
People often make the mistake of assuming certain foods are completely devoid of nutrition. This is rarely the case. Take ice cream, for example. There are multiple studies showing the potential health benefits of dairy.(31) Just because cream is frozen and mixed with sugar doesn’t mean these benefits suddenly disappear. There might be less total benefit, but it’s still there.
White flour is another example. People assume that because it’s been processed, it must be completely nutrient void. Flour isn’t exactly nutrient dense, but there are still some micronutrients present, especially if it’s been fortified.(32) It’s also worth noting that studies have generally failed to find any major heath benefit of whole wheat flour over white flour.(33)
Ironically, studies have shown that people who strictly avoid certain foods or food groups like bodybuilders, athletes, and people with eating disorders are often deficient in micronutrients.(34-40) As usual, balance and moderationare the most scientifically supported solutions.
Despite what you’ve been told, you probably aren’t deficient in most nutrients. You can still indulge in moderate amounts of “unclean” foods and meet all of your essential nutrition.
While many people accept this, they still believe that certain foods are still “bad.” They’re wrong.

No Food Directly Damages Your Health
The third myth is that “unhealthy” foods directly damage your health. People tell you that you will suffer less damage from eating less of these foods — but they’re still bad for you in any amount.
However, because these foods only damage your body a little, you’re told it’s still normal and healthy to eat them. Here’s the issue: You’re not happy with normal.
You’re more obsessed with your health and fitness than other people. “Normal” now means being overweight or obese, and you don’t want a “normal” physique. Eating “less junk” means “zero junk” in your mind. If a food is bad — it’s bad — and you don’t want it in your body in any amount.
This is the most ridiculous and harmful misconception of “clean eating,” largely because it’s promoted by doctors and other health officials who people trust more than most.
The idea is that regardless of a food’s nutrient density or calorie content, it is still bad for you. Every group has a different idea of what this means.
Vegans believe meat is toxic and gives you cancer.
Dr. Robert Lustig and others claim that fructose is “a poison” and causes obesity and liver damage.
The USDA still tells people that saturated fat and cholesterol cause heart disease, and that whole grains should form the base of your diet.(41,42)
Paleo advocates claim that grains, gluten, beans, processed oils, and dairy give people cancer and pretty much every other known disease.
Mycotoxins are lurking in everything you eat, secretly making you fat and damaging your health.
“Processed” foods and artificial ingredients are dangerous.
GMO’s cause cancer and give you tumors.
Pretty much everyone claims all trans-fats are bad for you in any amount.
All of these claims are either untrue or out of context. Any food can be damaging in large enough amounts. The real question is whether or not these foods damage your health in the amounts they are normally consumed, in the context of a mixed diet.
The scientifically valid answer to this question is “no.”
Despite flawed correlational research,(43,44) there is no evidence that meat, red or not, causes cancer or heart disease or death. In contrast, there is controlled evidence showing red meat consumption can improve health markers as much as other meat sources.(45,46<)
has never found red meat, or most other foods, to damage your health.
Fructose is not toxic and it doesn’t cause obesity or liver damage unless it is consumed in massive amounts and in caloric excess. There is no evidence it’s harmful in smaller amounts or that it encourages over-eating compared to sucrose.(47-50)
Consuming moderate amounts of sugar does not decrease insulin sensitivity or impair your ability to process glucose, as long as you maintain your weight and don’t over-eat.(51-53)
There is still no good evidence that moderate amounts of saturated fat and cholesterol cause heart disease,(54,55) but many of these studies also have significant limitations.(56,57) Recent evidence indicates even the correlations between saturated fat and cholesterol intake and heart disease are weak or nonexistent.(58-63)
Any food may contribute to heart disease if it leads to obesity or overweight, but there’s little evidence that consuming those calories from cholesterol-rich foods or saturated fat is worse than getting them elsewhere for most people.(64-66)
There is little evidence that omega-6 oils contribute to inflammation or heart disease.(56,67)
Gluten is not harmful to otherwise healthy people,(68) and there is still no evidence that grains, dairy, or legumes damage your health. There is also good evidence to the contrary.(31,69,70)
There is no evidence that processed or artificial foods are necessarily less healthy than natural foods. There is also no clear definition of what constitutes a “processed” food, and there are many “processed” foods that have proven health benefits, like whey protein.<(31,71,72)
There is no evidence that the levels of mycotoxins in the diets of developed countries have a significant impact on your health.(73-76)
There is no evidence GMO’s are harmful to humans.(77,78)
There is some evidence that synthetic trans-fats may be harmful, but the research is still inconclusive.(79-85) There’s little evidence that consuming a small amount of trans-fat is going to damage your health, especially since they’ve been removed from most foods. There is also evidence that some naturally occurring trans-fats like vaccenic acid may have health benefits.(79,86)
There are specific medical reasons for avoiding certain foods. And by “medical reason,” I don’t mean some naturopathacupuncturisthomeopath, or voodoo priest reading chicken entrails said a certain food is bad for you. I mean a real doctor diagnosed you with a specific illness, and based their dietary recommendations on sound scientific evidence.
Here are a few examples.
People with phenylketonuria should avoid aspartame.(87)
People with celiac disease need to avoid gluten.(88)
People with a severe peanut allergy need to avoid peanuts.(89)
People with familial hypercholesterolemia may need to eat less cholesterol.(90)
People with insulin resistance may benefit from a lower carbohydrate intake.(91)
Outside of very specific medical conditions like these, there is virtually no evidence that any single food can directly damage your health.
There is also no evidence that certain foods will accelerate fat loss at the same calorie intake, or that other foods will slow down or prevent fat loss. You could eat 43% of your calories from table sugar and still lose just as much fat as someone who only consumed 4% of their calories from sugar.(92)
Elite athletes sometimes consume up to 20% of their calories from pure sugar, and stay at around 6-10% body fat year round.(5,6)
This is not a comprehensive list, but when you look at the evidence, virtually every food that’s ever been labeled as “dangerous” or “toxic” turns out to be fine in moderation, and sometimes even in large amounts.
Any food could be “healthy” or “unhealthy” in different situations. This is something people forget when they talk about “clean eating,” and it’s something we’re going to address right now.
How to Know Whether a Food is Bad or Good for You
Whether or not a food is “healthy” or “unhealthy” depends on who is eating it, and how much they eat.
A healthy highly trained endurance athlete or bodybuilder exercising several hours per day is going to have very different needs and tolerances than a sedentary diabetic overweight office worker.
The athletes can be far more relaxed about their diet. They can eat more total calories, more calorie dense foods, and assuming they’re meeting their micro- and macronutrient needs, more “empty calories.”
The office worker needs to eat fewer total calories, and should probably focus on far more filling, low-calorie foods, less palatable foods to avoid over-eating. They may also need to focus on more nutrient-dense foods since they’re eating fewer calories.
Personal preference also matters. Some people have a hard time eating in moderation, and it may be smart to remove some foods that they normally binge on, at least for a while.
A food that is “healthy” for one person might be inappropriate for another in a given context.
All of these factors matter when deciding if a food is “healthy” or “unhealthy” for a given individual. In virtually all cases, there’s room in your diet for a little junk.
Referensi :

10 ways to improve your English

1.      Start your own English language blog. Even for people who don't have to write in English, writing can be a great way of properly learning the kind of vocabulary you need to describe your own life and interests, and of thinking about how to stop making grammar mistakes. The problem most people have is that they don't know what to write about. One traditional way to make sure you write every day in English is to write an English diary (journal), and a more up to date way of doing this is to write a blog. Popular topics include your language learning experience, your experience studying abroad, your local area, your language, or translations of your local news into English.
2.      Write a news diary. Another daily writing task that can work for people who would be bored by writing about their own routines in a diary is to write about the news that you read and listen to everyday. If you include your predictions for how you think the story will develop (e.g. "I think Hillary will become president"), this can give you a good reason to read old entries another time, at which time you can also correct and mistakes you have made and generally improve what you have written.
3.      Sign up for a regular English tip. Some websites offer a weekly or even daily short English lesson sent to your email account. If your mobile phone has an e-mail address, it is also possible to have the tips sent to your phone to read on the way to work or school. Please note, however, that such services are not usually graded very well to the levels of different students, and they should be used as a little added extra or revision in your English studies rather than as a replacement for something you or your teacher have chosen more carefully as what you need to learn.
4.      Listen to MP3s. Although buying music on the internet is becoming more popular in many countries, not so many people know that you can download speech radio such as audio books (an actor reading out a novel) and speech radio. Not only is this better practice for your English than listening to English music, from sources like Scientific American, BBC and Australia's ABC Radio it is also free.
5.      Listen to English music. Even listening to music while doing something else can help a little for things like getting used to the natural rhythm and tone of English speech, although the more time and attention you give to a song the more you will learn from listening to it again in the future.
6.      Read the lyrics to a song. Although just listening to a song in English can be a good way of really learning the words of the chorus in an easily memorable way, if you want to really get something out of listening to English music you will need to take some time to read the lyrics of the song with a dictionary. If the lyrics are not given in the CD booklet, you may be able to find them on the internet, but please note that some lyrics sites deliberately put a few errors into their lyrics for copyright reasons. Once you have read and understood the lyrics,  if you then listen and read at the same time, this can be a good way of understanding how sounds change in fast, natural, informal speech.
7.      Sing karaoke in English. The next stage after understanding and memorising a song is obviously to sing it. Although some words have their pronunciation changed completely to fit in with a song, most of the words have the same sounds and stressed syllables as in normal speech. Remembering which words rhyme at the end of each line can also be a good way of starting to learn English pronunciation.
8.      Write a film, music, hotel or book review. Another motivating and easy way to make yourself write in English is to write a review for a site such as Amazon or Internet Movie Database. Many non-native speakers write reviews on sites like this, and if you have some special understanding of the book, music or film due to your first language or knowing the artist personally, that would be very interesting for the English speakers who read and write reviews on the site.
9.      Only search in English. Switching your search engine to the English language version of msn, yahoo, Google etc. can not only be a good way of practising fast reading for specific information in English, but could also give you a wider choice of sites to choose from and give you an idea of what foreigners are writing about your country and area.
10.  Read a book you've already read or seen the movie of in your own language. Although most language learners under Advanced level would probably learn more from reading a graded reader or something from the internet than they would from reading an original book written for English speakers, for some people reading something like Harry Potter in the original can be a great motivator to improve their English. To make this easier for you and make sure that it motivates you rather than just making your tired, try reading a book that you already know the story of. This not only makes it easier to understand and guess vocabulary, but you are also more likely to remember the language in it. If you have not read the book before, reading a plot summary from the internet can also help in the same way.

Jumat, 08 Mei 2015

resume seminar

Being Global Leader in Islamic Finance
RESUME : Kuliah umum dengan tema "Being Global Leader in Islamic Finance" Speaker : Ronald Rulindo, Ph.d Senin, 4 Mei 2015

Pengertian Keuangan Syariah
Keuangan syariah adalah memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat di bidang keuangan dengan prinsip jual beli dan bagi hasil.
Bank Syariah dan Bank Konvensial mempunyai hasil akhir yang sama namun prosesnya berbeda. Perbedaan ini terletak di proses pinjam meminjamnya. Pada bank konvensional dikenakan bunga, tetapi pada bank syariah menggunakan akad dan tanpa bunga.

Sejarah Perkembangan Bank Syariah
Bank Syariah dimulai pada tahun 1960-1970. Awal berdirinya Islamic Bank :
1970 --> Islamic Development
1980 --> Dubai International Bank
1990 --> Bank Muammalat Indonesia

Alasan mengapa kita perlu Global Leader in Islamic Finance adalah : a. Menciptakan riba free ekonomi b. Mewujudkan keadilan ekonomi sosial c. Memberantas kemiskinan d. Mendukung kemajuan ekonomi dengan ekonomi syariah Dalam ekonomi syariah riba diharapkan karena :
a.  Riba tidak adil
b.  Merusak perekonomian
c.  Menyebabkan kemalasan

Semua orang dapat menjadi global leader in islamic finance. Caranya adalah :
1. Meluruskan niat
2. Memperluas wawasan
3. Memperdalam pengetahuan
4. Bangunlah visi

Inti atau isi dari system mudarabah dalam syariah :
1.Teori bagi hasil
2.Kalau ada keuntungan dibagikan
3.Kalau terjadi kerugian itu resiko investor

Meningkatkan Kualitas Syariah Governance :
1.Kualitas forum perlu ditingkatkan
2.Proses persetujuan produk baru harus dipercepat
3.Ketentuan mengenal pengawasan atas kepatuhan syariah dipertegas
4.Peran dewan pengawas syariah diperketat
5.Perlu dibentuk ISCU dan ISRU

Senin, 04 Mei 2015

Kalimat aktif dan pasif

Kalimat aktif (active voice) adalah kalimat dimana subject-nya melakukan pekerjaan, sebaliknya, kalimat pasif (passive voice) adalah kalimat dimana subject-nya dikenai pekerjaan oleh object kalimat. Active voice lebih sering digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dibandingkan dengan passive voice. Namun demikian, sering kita temukan passive voice di surat-surat kabar, artikel-artikel di majalah-majalah dan tulisan-tulisan ilmiah. Passive voice digunakan karena object dari active voice merupakan informasi yang lebih penting dibandingkan dengan subject-nya. Contoh :
• Active : We fertilize the soil every 6 months
• Passive: The soil is fertilized by us every 6 months
Dari contoh ini dapat kita lihat bahwa:
1. Object dari active voice (the soil) menjadi subject dari passive voice
2. Subject dari active voice (we) menjadi object dari passive voice. Perhatikan pula bahwa terjadi perubahan dari subject pronoun ‘we’ menjadi object pronoun ‘us’.
3. Verb1 (fertilize) pada active voice menjadi verb3 (fertilized) pada passive voice.
4. Ditambahkannya be ‘is’ di depan verb3. Be yang digunakan adalah tergantung pada subject passive voice dan tenses yang digunakan. (Perhatikan pola-pola passive voice di bawah).
5. Ditambahkannya kata ‘by’ di belakang verb3. Namun, jika object dari passive voice dianggap tidak penting atau tidak diketahui, maka object biasanya tidak dikemukakan dan begitu pula kata ‘by’.
6. Khusus untuk kalimat-kalimat progressive (present, past, past perfect, future, past future, dan past future perfect continuous, perlu menambahkan ‘being’ di depan verb3). Kalau tidak ditambahkan “being”, tensisnya akan berubah, bukan progressive/continuous lagi. Perhatikan contoh-contoh pada poin h – o di bawah.
Berdasarkan keenam poin di atas maka passive voice mengikuti pola sebagai berikut:
Subject + be + Verb3 + by + Object + modifier
Pola active dan passive voice pada tiap tensis
a. Jika active voice dalam simple present tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah is, am atau are.
• Active : He meets them everyday. • Passive : They are met by him everyday.
• Active : She waters this plant every two days. • Passive : This plant is watered by her every two days.
b. Jika active voice dalam simple past tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah was atau were
• Active : He met them yesterday
• Passive : They were met by him yesterday
• Active : She watered this plant this morning
• Passive : This plant was watered by her this morning
c. Jika active voice dalam present perfect tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah been yang diletakkan setelah auxiliary has atau have, sehingga menjadi ‘has been’ atau ‘have been’
• Active : He has met them
• Passive : They have been met by him
• Active : She has watered this plant for 5 minutes.
• Passive : This plant has been watered by her for 5 minutes.
d. Jika active voice dalam past perfect tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah been yang diletakkan setelah auxiliary had, sehingga menjadi had been
• Active : He had met them before I came.
• Passive : They had been met by him before I came.
• Active : She had watered this plant for 5 minutes when I got here
• Passive : This plant had been watered by her for 5 minutes when I got here
e. Jika active voice dalam simple future tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah be
• Active : He will meet them tomorrow.
• Passive : They will be met by him tomorrow.
• Active : She will water this plant this afternoon.
• Passive : This plant will be watered by her this afternoon.
• Active : The farmers are going to harvest the crops next week
• Passive : The crops are going to be harvested by the farmers next week.
f. Jika active voice dalam future perfect tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah been yang diletakkan setelah auxiliary will have, sehingga menjadi ‘will have been’
• Active : He will have met them before I get there tomorrow.
• Passive : They will have been met by him before I get there tomorrow.
• Active : She will have watered this plant before I get here this afternoon.
• Passive : This plant will have been watered by her before I get here this afternoon.
g. Jika active voice dalam past future perfect tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah been yang diletakkan setelah auxiliary would have, sehingga menjadi ‘would have been’.
• Active : He would have met them.
• Passive : They would have been met by him.
• Active : She would have watered this plant.
• Passive : This plant would have been watered by her.
h. Jika active voice dalam present continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah (is, am atau are) + being.
• Active : He is meeting them now.
• Passive : They are being met by him now.
• Active : She is watering this plant now.
• Passive : This plant is being watered by her now.
i. Jika active voice dalam past continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah (was atau were) + being.
• Active : He was meeting them.
• Passive : They were being met by him.
• Active : She was watering this plant.
• Passive : This plant was being watered by her. j. Jika active voice dalam perfect continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah (has/have) been + being.
Contoh: • Active : He has been meeting them.
• Passive : They have been being met by him.
• Active : She has been watering this plant.
• Passive : This plant has been being watered by her.
k. Jika active voice dalam past perfect continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah had been + being.
• Active : He had been meeting them.
• Passive : They had been being met by him.
• Active : She had been watering this plant.
• Passive : This plant had been being watered by her.
l. Jika active voice dalam future continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah will be + being.
• Active : He will be meeting them.
• Passive : They will be being met by him.
• Active : She will be watering this plant.
• Passive : This plant will be being watered by her.
m. Jika active voice dalam past future continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah would be + being.
• Active : He would be meeting them.
• Passive : They would be being met by him.
• Active : She would be watering this plant.
• Passive : This plant would be being watered by her.
n. Jika active voice dalam future perfect continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah will have been + being.
• Active : He will have been meeting them.
• Passive : They will have been being met by him.
• Active : She will have been watering this plant.
• Passive : This plant will have been being watered by her.
o. Jika active voice dalam past future perfect continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah would have been + being.
• Active : He would be meeting them.
• Passive : They would be being met by him.
• Active : She would be watering this plant.
• Passive : This plant would be being watered by her.
Contoh-contoh yang lain:
1. Koko’s nose is bleeding. He was punched by his friend right on his nose.m
2. The Indonesian football team was beaten by the Saudi Arabian team.
3. These plants were watered by my sister a few minutes ago.
4. There is no meal left. All has been devoured by Yeyes.
5. English is studied by all high school students.

Rabu, 01 April 2015

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2


I will introduce my self, my  name is Nurul Ita Sari, I am a person who has many hobbies. Such as reading, browsing the internet, hunting food, take a walk, listening to music,    and others.  but here,  I'm not going to tell you about my hobby. Because time is limited. I will tell you the most I do.

The first one, I'll tell you about my hobbies are reading, I was the one who loves to read books, all the books I like to read. such as religious books, lessons, general knowledge, technology, internet, electronic, and others. but here I will focus on describing my hobbies are reading this with an example that I brought this book. This book entitled "The life of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)". tell in this book about the life of the prophet Muhammad. I like to read this book because in addition I find out about the life and journey of the Prophet, I was also able to improve my english language skills, because this book in English. in it there are also some difficult vocabulary in the story.

My second hobby is hunting food, I was a young boy full of curiosity. I want to try all the food in Indonesia, and if I get to the whole world. and I take pictures of food and region of origin. There Timpan cuisine Aceh, there are "Porridge kampiun" of Sulawesi, there tempoyak of jambi, betutu of Bali, and papede of Maluku.

My third hobby is listening to music, I love listening to music, to me a world without music is empty. With listening a music besides I get a lot of fun, I can get more spirit than before.  Usually,  I listening a music in the morning with a up-beat song. That’s can give me a soul and spirit for facing a activities along day. Beside that can give me enjoy my own self and forget my problem in a moment. Better than listening a music lonely, it’s prefer to listening a music together with our friends just like my habit. Because with doing like that can created a lively atmosphere. of almost all types of music I like, like pop music, dangdut, jazz, rock, Nasyid, Rock. However, the most I like is pop music. pop music singer who I like is like Rossa, Melly, Crisye, Charly, and many more that others.

Hobbies that I like are surfing the internet, almost more than half the days I spend my time surfing the internet. on the internet I usually open the facebook, I like facebook because it can find and communicate with my friends who are far away. I can chat with each other together and comment on the status of each. besides facebook, I also like to open another site that is,, I like to open the site intu search for music, software, crack, etc. I think that 4shared is complete, all I'm looking for there. on the internet I can learn many things like elekronika and others, I also like to open the site fastNcheap, there is a lot of articles about the knowledge of both computer software or hardware, the article is also very easily understandable for both beginner and advanced levels. on the internet I can also download the movies that I like, starting from the beginning until now, many sites that provide movies for download, such as cinema-21,, or, all provide the movies nice things.

I usually surf the Internet on campus and in my home, if at the campus I use Wifi to connect, if at home I use a modem to connect, in addition to the connection, I also use some fatherly support applications comfort while surfing, such as browser mozilla forefox, I like mozilla because it's easy and faster connections than on other browsers. I also use CCleaner to remove the history or the other so I could be faster in surfing the internet. for application downloader, internet download manager I use, I use it because it can accelerate when I download from the Internet, Internet download manager is very easy to use and very powerful, because it can get into the site modulation musi, movie, or would I download an application.

And my last hobby is to take a walk, I love it because it can refresh mymind after several days of activity. I usually take a walk on the weekend, I did that with my Fiance or sometimes alone. many experiences and lessons that I get when take a walk. I usually take a walk in Jakarta.

That’s all my Speak, If any mistakes I beg your pardon, thank you very much for all of the listener, the last I say Wassalamu’alaikum wr. Wb